NGBANational Gay Basketball Association – Interview with Mark Chambers, President

January 16, 2016by Mark
Photo Credit: NGBA
Photo Credit: NGBA

The world is quite familiar with the involvement of the gay community in the arts & entertainment worlds. One cannot imagine the visual arts, professional dance, theatre, film or music without the active participation and contribution of gay people.

In the last decade, the world has been forced to realize that gay people are also very active in the sporting world.

We all know about famous gay athletes who have recently come out such as: Michael Sam, Billy Jean King and Jason Collins just to list a very few.

Mark Chambers
Mark Chambers

What would surprise many is that gay people actually have sporting leagues of their own. One such gay sporting league is the National Gay Basketball Association founded by Mr. Mark Chambers. Chambers says the NGBA was created to “bring one voice to LGBT basketball”

The NGBA is home to many teams and has well over 1,000 participating basketball athletes. The association helps organize teams and leagues in local communities. The association also promotes regional and national tournaments.

The NGBA has a major corporate partnership with MillerCoors. Chambers says that their support has been crucial to the expansion of the Association and to the success of its tournaments.

The ball play in the NGBA ranges from beginner to advanced and team membership is open to all.

Photo Credit: NGBA
Photo Credit: NGBA

This year the NGBA’s annual championship tournament, the 26th Annual Coady Roundball Classic will be held in Las Vegas – April 22nd -24th. Check their website for more info, register a team or attend the exciting competitive games.

Recently, GBMNews had the opportunity to chat with Mark Chambers. Please listen now:

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